مرحبًا بكم في موقعكم لتعلم اللغة الالمانية واخر المواضيع التي تخص المانيا

Fit in Deutsch 1 Free download pdf + audios

An exercise and test book for children and adolescents who are specially training their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills at levels A1 and A2 and who want to prepare for the   new Fit in German 1 and 2 exam.

With Success to  Fit in Deutsch1  you are presented with 7 objective practice and test modules with all types of tasks possible in the  Fit in Deutsch 1 exam  :

  • I listen
  • is reading
  • Write
  • to speak

Each unit is based on main themes – topics from the everyday world of young learners, and is binding for  Fit in German  A1 and A2:

  • Family, friends and animals
  • Leisure, hobbies, sports and games
  • School, school supplies and learning
  • Communication and entertainment media
  • Eating, drinking, shopping and health
  • travel, vacation
  • Housing and the environment

The entry page introduces the unit topics and offers a variety of interactive exercises. Vocabulary work is integrated into each unit. The types of tasks are practiced in the new tests: listening, reading, writing letters or emails, and speaking in a meaningful way.

The practice and test book can be done systematically in class. Instead, specific skills can be practiced, repeated and deepened in a targeted manner.

For download:  here

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تعلم اللغة الالمانية

موقع متخصص بمواضيع اللغة الالمانية والحياة في المانيا

نحن نعمل على الكتابة في اهم المواضيع التي تخص الحياة في المانيا او بشكل عام في اوروبا وايضآ كتابة تدوينات ودروس عن مواضيع تخص اللغة الالمانية.

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