مرحبًا بكم في موقعكم لتعلم اللغة الالمانية واخر المواضيع التي تخص المانيا

Easy German Step-by-Step Free download PDF

Get the skills you need to start communicating in German quickly and easily!

Communicating in a new language can be intimidating. This accessible guide will give you the tools and confidence to understand and speak German with confidence. Based on the idea that the quickest path to learning a language is through a solid foundation in the basics,  Easy German Step-by-Step offers   ; A successful building block approach to German proficiency, linking important concepts together through clear explanations, appropriate exercises, and helpful answers.

First Steps introduces you to the everyday idioms of language, allowing you to communicate in a variety of everyday situations almost instantly. Gradually, a series of interconnected steps take you from simple to more challenging concepts at your own pace. After completing these exercises, you will gain a better understanding of the language and the skills to handle German with confidence. New in this second edition, the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app streams accompanying audio recordings to help you improve your German pronunciation and fluency. 

For download:  click here

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تعلم اللغة الالمانية

موقع متخصص بمواضيع اللغة الالمانية والحياة في المانيا

نحن نعمل على الكتابة في اهم المواضيع التي تخص الحياة في المانيا او بشكل عام في اوروبا وايضآ كتابة تدوينات ودروس عن مواضيع تخص اللغة الالمانية.

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