مرحبًا بكم في موقعكم لتعلم اللغة الالمانية واخر المواضيع التي تخص المانيا

B-Grammatik B1-B2 Free download pdf

B Grammar is a grammar practice for learners at levels B1 and B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are suitable as additional material to accompany the course and for individual work.
The grammatical phenomena in each part are demonstrated through illustrated examples and then used and repeated through step-by-step exercises. In addition, each topic contains clearly organized tables on grammatical forms and clearly arranged notes and information on specific uses. The areas of exercises are entertaining and engaging, as the learner deepens grammatical structures and learns new things along the way. Vocabulary from everyday life and work is learned at the same time. Different forms of exercise make the learning process varied and therefore motivating.
A solution booklet and an audio CD with selected pronunciation aids are included with the book.

To download the book:  here
To download the solutions book:  here
Download the audios:  here 

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تعلم اللغة الالمانية

موقع متخصص بمواضيع اللغة الالمانية والحياة في المانيا

نحن نعمل على الكتابة في اهم المواضيع التي تخص الحياة في المانيا او بشكل عام في اوروبا وايضآ كتابة تدوينات ودروس عن مواضيع تخص اللغة الالمانية.

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